Advocating for You!
The Wimauma CDC has a long history of advocacy dating back to 1967. We bring people together with a vested interest in Wimauma's growth to discuss, advocate, and lead positive change for future generations. We bring all voices to the table to feel heard and respected to understand community needs. We work alongside our residents to advocate for community and system change. Join our mailing list and get connected to our resident advocacy and networking opportunities.
We coordinate the Wimauma Community Plan Advisory Committee (WCPAC). This selected group of residents and business leaders come together to monitor the Wimauma Village and Downtown Redevelopment District plans passed by Hillsborough County.

The WCPAC works on the following tasks:
- monitors all business economic and housing development projects that affect the plans.
- partners with developers to understand their plans and provide valuable community feedback.
- co-host community forums about development projects to get wider community feedback.
- encourage developers to improve the plan designs based on community feedback.
- negotiate greater community benefits with the developer to ensure commnity impact and address unmet needs.
The WCDC keeps the community informed about these advocacy efforts through our monthly newsletter and advocacy alerts. Join our newsletter to stay informed.
Community Planning
Community planning makes visions a reality!
The WCDC works to turn community benefits into Community good. We continue monitoring economic and housing development projects long after the approval process. We work with the developer through the phases of their project to ensure community benefits are provided. Not only are the community benefits provided as agreed upon, but does the community benefit become a community good that creates community growth and economic opportunities?
Donate Now to support our efforts to turn community benefits into long-term community good.